The Full Moon - Energy, Symbolism & Correspondences
Updated: Apr 27, 2024
The Full Moon is the peak of the moon cycle, known as a time for manifestations and gratitude.

The Phases of the Moon
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous Moon
Last Quarter Moon
Waning Crescent Moon
The Full Moon
The Full Moon is the half way point of the moon cycle.
At the time of the Full Moon we are at the culmination point of the manifesting cycle. It's at this time we celebrate our achievements and find gratitude for everything we have in our lives.
This is still a time of high energy, you may notice that you have trouble sleeping and feelings of restlessness. It might be that there's still a little work to be completed this cycle, if so then use the extra energy to get things done.
Mostly this is a time for celebrating all the things you have done, achieved and manifested since the New Moon.
However, it's also a time to begin to notice where things haven't worked out and why that might be. Was it just that we didn't take action, was it external obstacles or circumstances, or was it that we had internal doubts and blocks in our manifesting process?
Yoga for the Full Moon

I love to align my yoga practice with the phases of the moon, nature and the zodiac.
Poses for the Full Moon
Chandra Namaskar - Moon Salutation
Ustrasana - Camel Pose
Utkata Konasana - Goddess Pose
Matsyasana - Fish Pose
Natarajasana - Dancer's Pose
Crystals for the Full Moon
Rose Quartz
Clear Quartz
Selenite Desert Rose
Aromatherapy for the Full Moon

Clary Sage
Herbs for the Full Moon

Lemon Balm
White Sage
Join our Moon Courses!
Until next time, stay magical
Emma xx