The Waning Crescent Moon - Energy, Symbolism & Correspondences
Updated: May 22, 2024
The Waning Crescent Moon is asking you to rest and replenish.

The Waning Crescent Moon is the final phase of the moon cycle.
The Phases of the Moon
Waning Crescent Moon
The Waning Crescent Moon
You've heard the expression 'You can't pour from an empty cup' before, right?
This week is all about rest and relaxation, the work has been done and now we care for ourselves before planting the next seed of intention. It's time to acknowledge how you are really feeling and gain clarity on what you want moving forward.
Cancel plans if you need to, schedule time to take long baths or read a book. Do the things you know nurture your soul. What feels like self care to you? What activities make you feel rested and fulfilled? How are you really feeling right now, check in with yourself.
It's time for self care, to grab your comfy clothes and blankets and make time to do absolutely nothing much. It's also a time for self inquiry, we need to ask ourselves the hard questions. As much as we should know what works for us, we also need to know what doesn't work so that we know what actions we need to take when we move back into the action phase of the cycle.
Yoga for the Waning Crescent Moon

I love to align my yoga practice with the phases of the moon, nature and the zodiac.
Poses for the Waning Crescent Moon
Balasana - Child's Pose
Supta Baddha Konasana - Reclined Bound Angle Pose
Paschimottanasana with props - Supported Forward Bend
Viparita Karani - Legs Up The Wall
Savasana - Corpse Pose
Crystals for the Waning Crescent Moon
Black Moonstone
Clear Quartz
Aromatherapy for the Waning Crescent Moon

Ylang Ylang
Clary Sage
Herbs for the Waning Crescent Moon

Lemon Balm
Join our Moon Courses!
Until next time, stay magical
Emma xx