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The First Quarter Moon - Energy, Symbolism & Correspondences

Updated: Apr 27, 2024

The First Quarter Moon is the moment in the cycle where we are asked to commit to our wishes and desires.

What Does The First Quarter Moon Mean

The Phases of the Moon

First Quarter Moon

Waxing Gibbous Moon

Full Moon

Waning Gibbous Moon

Last Quarter Moon

Waning Crescent Moon

The First Quarter Moon

The First Quarter Moon is sometimes known for highlighting obstacles and offering us challenges.

This phase of the Moon happens when the Moon and Sun are at a 90 degree angle to each other in the sky. This is called a square aspect in astrology.

We can see one half of the Moon illuminated at this time, sometimes called the half Moon.

When we are presented with obstacles or roadblocks on our manifesting journey, it’s often one of two things that are happening.

Firstly it could be that you are not really in alignment with the intention you set. The First Quarter Moon is asking you to really look at your intentions, are they being set from a place of expectation of how others think your life should look?

On the other hand, these challenges could be simply asking you to reaffirm your commitment to the manifestation. If everything was just handed to us really easily, it wouldn’t feel as joyful and magical when we achieve our goals right? The Universe just wants to check that what you say you want, is indeed what you want.

Because manifesting is a co-creation with the Universe, the ritual for this moon is to set yourself up with an action list. What can you do to push you closer to your dreams and desires? Is there an event you could attend, do you need to press publish on your website? What action can you take to show the Universe you are ready to meet half way?

Yoga for the First Quarter Moon

Yoga Poses for the First Quarter Moon

I love to align my yoga practice with the phases of the moon, nature and the zodiac.

Poses for the First Quarter Moon

Virabhadrasana I - Warrior I

Vrksasana - Tree Pose

Anjaneyasana - Crescent Lunge

Utkata Konasana - Goddess Pose

Ustrasana - Camel Pose

Crystals for the First Quarter Moon

Crystals for the First Quarter Moon

My favourite crystal for this phase of the Moon is Tigers Eye. This gorgeous crystal offers us a boost in confidence, willpower and integrity. Exactly what we need when we are faced with a challenge.

Tigers Eye will support you through these challenges by boosting your strength, courage and endurance.

Crystals for the First Quarter Moon


Clear Quartz

Tiger's Eye



Aromatherapy for the First Quarter Moon

Aromatherapy Oils for the First Quarter Moon






Herbs for the First Quarter Moon

Herbs for the First Quarter Moon






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Until next time, stay magical

Emma xx


Emma Lycett The Ritual Witch

Emma Lycett | The Ritual Witch

Emma is a Yoga Teacher, Moon Manifestor, Spiritual Coach, Reiki & Massage Therapist.

Emma offers yoga classes & events in Cannock, as well as an online Ritual Coven dedicated to supporting others with their spiritual practices

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